The Art of Liberation

Become the Artist of your own Liberation

I am here to invite you to take full ownership of your precious self and become the artist of your own liberation. Are ready to embody sovereignty?

What does it mean to take a walk on the wild side as a being committed to personal evolution and liberty?

Ironically it is through living with integrity that the freedom to be YOU full power is found …

Not to be “wild” necessarily with reckless disregard for life or addictions to self-destruction but to be spontaneous, playful and free, making choices in line with the Non-Aggression-principle…

Rather living righteously adhering to your ethics and then being directed by your inner guru, not some outer authority.

Come and touch the inner wilderness that is abiding deep in the psyche underneath all the layers of conditioning and indoctrination. 

Yoga helps to connect you to the part of you that is unstained with others’ agendas, that existed before you were wounded, that is pure innocent radiant joy…your inner wildness or precious wild child! 

That spark of infinity 

That from which all the karmas of this life have played out.

It’s a continual process of reduction that results in Self-Realization.

There is a paradox there and that is the majestic mystery of the yogic evolution journey ~ 

To abide in the wild Self & simultaneously surrender the attachment to the self that must be here to function…

To be in this world 

Fully embodied 

And yet fully detached from the results

Are you ready to begin?